Monday, April 30, 2007

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Bourgeois Dictatorship

By: Marco Chereque Pretel
There is a problem that should concern us as academics.

All analysts and opinion columnists have not failed to notice in his writings an involution in the Political System structure from the promulgation of the Constitution Fujimontesinista where the monarchical principle "to Justice of the sovereign, all voices must be silent" have materialized this time in our "brand new" President Alan Garcia, who has assumed powers to legislate government in matters of Homeland Security (gangs, drug trafficking, terrorism, etc. with only 49 votes in favor of the measure, with 7 abstentions and the rest who did not attend the vote (64). Alan Garcia, and has the power.
Castillo wanted to make clear that the government's intention not only to toughen penalties (which will), but cover the loopholes that favor criminal gangs as a way of combating global crime. Del Castillo forget that the problem of citizen security in Peru is not solved by more "tough" has not worked so far, and that must be addressed from more points than simple repression, since it will always be insufficient.

do not think too far wrong to assume that regression in the political system. We say this not only on the concentration of power but also according to the story punitive. Imagine for now in the XXI century the defendant as part of a public ritual that is publicly mark both physically and morally through the torture and torture. This seems a bit inconsistent and even absurd as the product of "progress" of ideas, some say, the "revaluation" of man, and "Democratization" ever-growing state. But really, just that, is what allows us to keep these forms of torture, keeping in time through science, thereby justifying the right to punish. As this work leading to the intellectuals of the dominant caste to create countless restoration projects, new theories of law and crime and the constant reorganization of the codes.

Therefore, in this sense, and merged the regression in the political structure and modernization of ideas and forms of state domination, we get a time in history where science punitive serving in power, accused those who were labeled a terrorist for more than a quarter century, presenting today at a new audience that is no longer spectators beheadings but is in the newspaper stand in the corner. The way in which this society recognizes and condemns expecting this defendant is a new scar that is no longer marked on his face by hot irons or body product of the many tortures, but is recorded in a computer as a criminal record. Scar that will hit the unconscious of the men and will evoke dead or missing. Painful circumstances that the state itself was responsible for translating.

This political plan that makes the human being, an instrument for collective emotional instability with respect to human rights and conditioning for a wide thirst for justice blind hatred holds to the facts. It is a strategic plan that will allow the current President of the Republic of Peru, Alan García "El Facho Perez, uphold and restore order under the guise of security and the interests of the bourgeoisie. Indeed it is applauded by the gentry and that will cost the disappearance of corporate and trade union leaders and the emergence of clandestine graves. Dead for wanting only one thing: "That life is valued." This will tell a protest because mystery is that surveys of people aware it was designated as an event driven by terrorists, who will have to be with the law and death.

This is what should concern us, not just the university as having a muted voice in the field and industry, if indeed it could be, but all oppressed classes of the world who seek to live in peace and not bourgeois dictatorships already declared its bloody military repression pathways.

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debt Pay us not "free" is neither anti-imperialist Chavez

By: Miguel Angel Hernandez

Date Published: 04/16/2007
The government, through the Minister of Finance and the President himself, has announced with great fanfare, the payment of the debt with the World Bank IMF, which amounted in 1998 to around 3 billion dollars. Minister Rodrigo Cabezas said in making the announcement now "Venezuela is free and sovereign." Let us see to what extent this is true or not.

What is the origin of Venezuela's foreign debt?

We must remember that the debt was fraudulently contracted by corrupt governments that for 40 years enjoyed the sweetness of power. We need to remember, and know that this illegal debt contracted through the good offices of adecos and copeyanos, and their favored businessmen who then organized the coup of April 2002 and the strike-sabotage of PDVSA. The same people who were beneficiaries of the refinancing best in the world "Lusinchi, by which the government acknowledged the debt of private entrepreneurs at preferential rates, casting the heavy burden on the shoulders of workers and people who have had to pay with our effort and sacrifice that criminal decision. Among the beneficiaries of the refinancing bankers were left with the "twine in the foot" after Caldera granted them the infamous "financial aid".

What has happened in recent years with debt "eternal"?

The current government of President Chavez, has been one of the most accurate and timely external debt has been paid, in Latin America and in the history of debt in our country. Despite being a candidate for president in more than one occasion stated that he would pay and declare a moratorium. Consider the cold data, which speak for themselves.

When President Chavez came to power in 1999, Venezuela's foreign debt was 23.314 million dollars, today, 8 years after the debt "eternal" is 27 thousand 236 million dollars, ie far paid, has increased 3.922 million dollars.

But the issue is more serious if we consider the total dollars paid to the creditor transnational banks in the last 8 years. The Chávez government has paid over this period, an amount similar to the total debt that the country now has (27 billion dollars).

We need a little more the tremendous cost of this for the Venezuelans. From 1999 to 2006, the net transfer of resources to the banking and international financial institutions-belts of imperialism has been the bargain of 16 thousand 980 million dollars, which is approximately 60% of current debt, and yet the debt increased over the first year in office. This transfer is the difference between interest paid and principal repaid. Now let's see, just in interest paid over the same period the amount of 17 thousand 299 million dollars. It's good to be clear that pay no interest on capital debt reduction. That is why you pay, is still paying, and never decreases, however, increases, as we saw previously. Indeed, this debt is "eternal."

Paying the IMF and World Bank set us free?

The government presented as a great achievement to have paid the debt to the World Bank and IMF. First, this represents only a fraction of total debt, but nevertheless had a great cost to the people and workers, which in the end are those who pay, let's see why: from 1999 2006, the government paid only interest the World Bank and the IMF a total of 2 000 $ 30 million, ie a bit less than they owed in 1998 (U.S. $ 3,314 million). This means that the government at the end paid more than what is owed to these agencies that are part of imperialism, both criticized the President in his speeches. Pay these agencies beyond symbolic as it may be, we have not released, and that continues to weigh on the pockets of workers and people pay what is still owed to multinational banks. For example, since the government has to pay this year for the amount of 1,432 million dollars for debt servicing. And just between January and February of this year and paid $ 159 million. We wonder: How many houses could be built with these numbers? How many colleges and schools? How much of this money could be spent to increase wages or to cover the benefits of public employees or oil workers, who have overcome their collective agreements?

pay or not pay, there have

But the question above is not the main problem. The question raised is whether it continues to pay an illegal debt contracted by the corrupt governments of AD and COPEI. A debt that has already been paid several times and yet still growing.

believe that Venezuela is not releasing or more sovereign because you paid more than the IMF and World Bank. Precisely what they want these bodies is to be paid, and our government, unfortunately, he does religiously, and we want to sell it later as a great triumph.

pay debt not only means diverting resources to banks and agencies international financial rather than use them to pay the social debt. Not only is a moral issue insofar as they continue paying illegal and fraudulent debt owed by the governments of the Fourth Republic and coup entrepreneurs enemies of the revolution. It is also an issue that affects the independence and sovereignty against imperialism. Facing

imperialism is by not paying the foreign debt

It would not pay the foreign debt is related to the defense of the country's sovereignty against the constant aggression of imperialism. It is a political problem, not just economically.

debt is an economic mechanism political domination of imperialism and interference in the internal affairs of countries, to the extent that, through pressure and blackmail of the transnational banks and international financial institutions like the World Bank or the IMF, are determined and condition public policies in the economic area, made the nations.

Moreover, the resources that we pay to the international banks are used by imperialism to attack and subdue other peoples. Those billions of dollars paid by our country used to pay the fuel that drives the U.S. war machine in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East, or to invade Haiti.

Hence, we are opposed to paying the debt, but only a part, as was just done with the World Bank and IMF. To that extent, "helping" other countries to repay foreign debt with the IMF, as was the case of Argentina, not to boast or feel "happy", as President Chavez said recently. It simply is cooperating in maintaining ties with these international financial subjugation of imperialism, which gladly receive these resources that will help maintain its hold on people, at the expense of the large social debt that still has so much to our people as to Argentine people.

President Chavez, instead of paying the agencies of imperialism, and "help others to cancel their commitments to these octopuses operators should use its continental leadership to convene a summit of Latin American presidents, especially those that claim" progressive "to declare a debt moratorium joint, and to urge those governments to undertake an audit of debt.
Source: Aporrea

Sunday, April 15, 2007

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Note: not share, but reported

President Chávez announced the payment of debt to the World Bank

By: Telesur -

During the ceremony commemorating the fifth anniversary of the civil-military response that defeated the coup in Venezuela in April 2002, which interrupted for 47 hours the mandate of Venezuelan President Chavez announced on Thursday his country paid The last installment of the debt with the World Bank.

President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, Venezuela said Friday it has canceled the debt it owed to the World Bank.

"Yesterday (Thursday) we paid the last installment of the debt (...) with the World Bank," said the Venezuelan president during a ceremony held in the vicinity of the Palacio de Miraflores, in the heart of Caracas, to commemorate the April 13, 2002, when a "civic-military rebellion" restore constitutional order in Venezuela, following a coup that ousted him from power for 47 hours.

"With this latest payment (World Bank), that debt in 1998 was almost 3 billion dollars, I can say today that we have not a penny of debt or the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank "he exclaimed.

The Venezuelan leader said he was "happy" to cancel this commitment recalling that Venezuela helped the "sister Republic of Argentina" to pay its debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

"I am very pleased that Venezuela has helped Argentina, International Monetary Fund released. Argentina already owes nothing to the IMF, among other things, with support from Venezuela, "he said.

" We've made it to Venezuela, a country in debt and we were tied, (...) a modest but important financial center country and supporting other countries and other people, "he added.

This Friday, April 13, Caracas was the scene of popular and military led by President Hugo Chávez, to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the military civic response" crushed "coup April 2002, interrupted for 47 hours the mandate of the Venezuelan president.

The commemoration was held under the slogan "Everything 11 has its 13 ", to remember that the coup of April 11, 2002 had the answer on the 13th of the month, when loyalist forces and thousands of followers of the revolutionary process that exists in Venezuela dropped from the crowded neighborhoods of Caracas and led the triumphant return of the president.

The event, held near the Miraflores palace, began with the singing of the national anthem of Venezuela and have a massive attendance.

The Venezuelan leader began speech remembering the victims of the coup occurred between 11 and 13 April 2005, calling them "martyrs".

A "five years of civilian and military rebellion" that defeated the coup, Chavez said that "never before in 100 centuries, in any part of this planet something had happened," he said, referring to the response of Venezuelans gave the coup to return to the Venezuelan leader to power.

Continued construction of the PSUV

Chavez made reference again to the formation of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and asked the crowd that accompanied it, a cheer for those members of the different formal political parties who accepted his invitation to join the new political grouping.

called back to the parties that support him to join the PSUV party unity.

announced that starting next April 29 the "records" to join the PSUV, and said he also enrolled in the new organization, noting that the conformation of the party together "is one of the great needs is our revolution, "he said.

"Let's build it (the PSUV), from the grassroots" invited. "I'm going to register (...) to express the will of being a member of that party, which has not yet been formed, I am going to register and sign to join directly to the process of building the party from the grassroots, "he said.

" Then come the elections, which will of course observed and regulated by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and there (...) (...) we must lead by example stressed, recalling that the PSUV "each of us is but one more actor on an equal footing, to build a real party of battle, "he said.

Rejects U.S. imperialism

again rejected President Chavez U.S. imperialism and insisted that the coup that ousted him for 47 hours, was organized and financed by the government of President George W. Bush.

assured that President Bush is an "illegitimate", saying that Bush did not win the 2000 elections, but that "he stole."

"The president of the United States won the 2000 election, he stole the election was a fraud (...) (...) it is shown, only that there was an agreement of the elites Americans and put there by a decision of some judges purchased " said.

The Venezuelan head of state stressed that "Venezuela will never kneel before the U.S. empire.

" The coup of April 11, 2002 was as head coup by businessman Pedro Carmona, currently refugees in Colombia, and had the support of senior military, business, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, private media, upper and middle classes, and opposition parties and trade unions.

The Venezuelan government claims that the coup was "organized, financed and directed" by Washington, and has presented various tests for support this assertion.

Courtesy: Dignity National Democratic Movement.