Criticism On Liberty About the statement made by Second Mendoza Díaz , on February 1, 2007, regarding the REJECTION OF THE PROPOSED PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES (copied at the end of this critical.)
Written on February 7, 2007
Dear Second Mendoza Diaz , the word "experimental or improvised" (played in the second line of point 1 of your statement), we doubt deserves to characterize this type of project, still in its early stage. The scale of this plan, which is nothing but the creation of capitalist structures in the Education Sector, has been drawn by an agenda for action, "Agenda for reform measures that do not raise or modernization programs of the Education Traditional style, with simple rearrangements and readjustments of the system, but rather propose a sort of shock or drastic reform. " (1)
1 .- This comment entrains us to counteract certain types of concepts, to give a radically different, or to demystify it, to focus on the real problem invalidates remnants and reflections of the concepts of bourgeois commercial rationality. What is avoided is that this new version of privatization is not raised as an aspiration of any particular individual or parliamentary bloc, to penetrate the complexity and systemic nature of the phenomenon. A critical seen emanating from a Communist political source in the ideological sense of the word.
2 .- gravitational orbit where it circulates practice dirigencial University "Student Universe" is and has been criticized for our organization and with good reason to just "right- privatizing "as" Deformation of student accountability that has led them to become mere spectators when dealing with general affairs of the University - (and Society) - and combative actors when it comes to eliminating any academic or financial requirements standards prescribed for them. This conception makes the student representatives on union leaders struggle against the bosses in the interests of a student become exploited worker, for which the repetition is an injustice and the University a territory dominated and exploited by the ruling class, ie authorities. "(2). Wrong ideological interpretation of the class struggle in the" Republic University "that only limited and reduces the ability to view and analyze the real role of the University System Neoliberal like ours." To demonstrate that abstract enough, if only for a minute, the current noise of phrases , promises and minutiae of the day, that dull the brain, and take a look at the basics, to what matters in life in society: The Class Struggle "(3). Example of phrases that dull the brain and the misinterpretation of the class struggle in the "Republic Universitaria" is implicit in the statement from the EFF , "warned that to continue this project or which restrict legitimate rights as the middle passage, we will be taking protest actions that we are already evaluating. "(point 5 of delivery)
3 .- It is not" antimoralist "" neither fair bit "( as noted the statement by the EFF in item 3), the attitude of Mrs . Hildebrandt, because reducing the analysis of the phenomena to these two categories axiological is reenter the tactic Fearful that the complainants are not able to discover the true origin - " ECONOMIC " - the problem because like it or not "A sad fate has hung over our University and determined to fill mainly for professional purposes and scientific snobbery, but not an educational purpose, much less a weekend statement and national consciousness. To fly through the history of the University since its inception to date, highlights this trait unpleasant and unfortunate: It is not linked to the national situation, with the life of our country, the needs and aspirations of the Country "(4) . This last to the end that we are willing to befuddle the working class on alcohol, casinos and other vices, to hold their dependence and allow exploitation as long as, the "Student Universe" is see favored with a free gift of these transnational mining or a garbage tax destructive elements of human independence, used in colonial times to numb the revolutionary consciousness. Thought Mariategui ! Effective !..." The University is an instrument of the Colony ", but read this alternative solution to the economic crisis at the Public University raised by the Chairman of the EFF Second Mendoza Diaz , "secondly, it is possible to implement more creative standards, additionally, help improve the budget of the universities, one of them would be to create of a Special Fund to be constituted in taxes on alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, gambling, and mining windfall. "(item number 4 of your statement)
4 .- Finally , say that the policy of the State Demo -Burgess, has not only an education tax alienating and alienated, but also individualistic. So far we have been unable to study the phenomenon privatizing plan in one capitalist, listening and always approaching it from different sectors, privatization in the Clean Public Service Privatization Water, Privatization in Education, etc, etc,. "The Class Struggle has no specific clientele, which tend to have different ministries" (5), we need to identify and articulate those interests in a single Alliance - (workers, peasants, students and other sectors) - time for this purpose , later, as a result of the struggle and the limitation of a specific goal and only the problem, could deal a real blow to pivot of this phenomenon, which is not isolated as we have been playing but has its origin in "The Capitalist System "- and so to conclude in a match that will lead to a true democracy in the sense EXACT TERM .... Town government ....! POPULAR GOVERNMENT!. This material prepared
aims eventually, meet 3 goals: Educate , organize and mobilize the various groups concerned, but also being criticized by them, as has been the source of this analysis, "designed in such So returning to your starting point - "FEP" - compliance with the dialectical movement of traffic, providing issuers workers - "Second Mendoza Díaz " - the ability to leverage the criticism leveled and become material developed into a source of consciousness.
! And make good use REPRODÚZCANLO !
! IUS movement, the real university revolution in the service of the Working Class!
Chereque Pretel Setting
Vice-Chairman of Justice of the Civic Association for the Concerns of the region La Libertad.
Urb. Sánchez Carrión , Quito Passage # 174, Trujillo-Peru
Mobile: 044-9264506
Phone: 044-475107
Bibliography (1) Fritz Du Bois , "A Balance of Social Policy," p. .159, Edit . Peruvian Institute of Social Market Economy, October . 2004.
(2) Javier Sota Nadal, "The University, conversatorio made in Congress from March to June 1998, p. . 84 Edit Congress, July 1998.
(3) Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov (Владимир Ильич Ульянов), "Between Two Revolutions," page 331, Edit . Progress, Moscow -1974.
(4) Jose Carlos Mariategui , "7 Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality" page 134, Edit . Minerva, Miraflores - Lima, March 1981.
(5) Matterlart Armand, "Mass Media and Class Struggle", p. 18, Edit . Causachun , Lima-Peru, 1976. -------------------------------------------------
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(FEP )
The National Board of the Federation of Students of Peru ( FEP), compared to the bill, introduced by Congresswoman Martha Fujimori Hildebrandt on absolute elimination of free higher education is pronounced as follows.
1. This proposal is effective, it does not address the central aspects of the university crisis urgent care, is improvised, as it is developed based on data that do not correspond with the reality of the universe of students for which you want to legislate and lacks support serious technical; is misleading because it assumes that public universities have students free of absolute, something completely false, since there are currently high costs for items of examination for admission, tuition, fees, etc, which cover the deficit caused by the abandonment of the state.
2. At the same time, alerted the public, especially students and parents, that the true intent of this measure is to give impetus to the privatization of public universities as part of the policy of multilateral agencies, (World Bank, IMF ), to serve the interests of transnational of education and financial. We recall that the privatizing mood is not new, since during the regime Fujimontesinista , already made this proposal which was rejected then, like 2002 when the proposed former Congressman Ayaipoma .
3. We are surprised that Congresswoman Hildebrandt, seeking "justice" against public education, when she herself has no moral authority, since throughout his parliamentary career has taken money that did not belong receivable payments as "installation" or "schooling", etc and that was after the dictatorship which he served and defended the Education deepened the crisis we now observe.
4. Students of the country requires a real long and comprehensive debate on the fate of universities. Only after this and a new university law, that reflects the demands of the academic community and the country, we can talk about solutions to the crisis and not palliative eventually end up being worse than the disease. Raised, namely, firstly, that the Peruvian government fulfill its commitments, national and international, which is pending to increase the education sector budget, secondly, it is possible to implement more creative standards, in addition, help improve the budget of the universities, one of them would be to create a special fund to be constituted in taxes on alcoholic beverages, cigarettes , gambling, and mining windfall.
5. Finally, we demand respect for the free education and we welcome the decision of the Rector of the UNMSM to support this law student to make real and effective free education at the university, and we realized that to continue this project or restricting legitimate rights as the middle passage, we will be taking protest actions that we have already been evaluated.
Lima, 1 February 2007.
For the National Executive Committee. Second
Mendoza Díaz
URGENT Date: Tuesday, February 6
Time: 5:00 pm
Held Jr. 550 Camaná LIMA ( of . FEP)