Saturday, June 16, 2007

Milena Velba Wearing The Sailor Outfit

The Shotgun APRA and the two miners killed in Casapalca

By Robert Oviedo15.06.07

Artera was police repression unleashed by the APRA government on Thursday June 14 against Casapalca miners, with two deaths, a two years, and Oscar Fernandez Taype mining, and three people seriously injured. The event ourrió when workers and their families, after 18 days of unsuccessful strike against the most inhuman conditions of work and the replacement of 300 dismissed, calling attention to their problems with the blockade of the Central Cerretera at kilometer 117 ( Huarochirí).

The company, owned Gubbins family, seeks to imprison 30 union leaders from the newly formed union. The criminalization of social and union demands are frequent in Peru a policy to favor corporate interests the government represents. In Shougang Hierro Peru, for example, China's capital, the main leader, Ronnie Cueto, remains in jail since 5 June, while another 8 leaders depends on an impending arrest warrant, accused of an incident quite doubtful.

The government knows very well the plight of miners in general and in particular Casapalca, from the use and abuse of outsourced labor or contractors who promised to go away but campaigning still holds almost all the workers and others as "possible" without rights, participation, health, safety and wages. Overtime hours in violation of the universal journey has been challenged by a strike-suspended for now, which organized the National Federation of Miners, Metalworkers and Steelworkers of Peru.

Premier Jorge del Castillo admitted in an interview with RPP, the morning of Thursday 14, the company hinders the inspection of Ministry of Labor, stating that the workers would be received but failed to receive. In the same address gave Energy Minister and Mines, Juan Valdivia, indicating that his office will require the company complies with the agreements reached. Also occurred with the Minister of Labour in the event sector Shougang, when the Minister publicly acknowledged the unfair conditions imposed by the services that support politically. Similarly, can the Minister of Interior, which prides itself on social protests end without bullets when facing the cameras of the media but does not hesitate to reveal blood and fire when the police work to the backs of the national press, as has been demonstrated when high-ranking national police coordinate actions with the genocidal APRA Mantilla partner Montesinos. That is also clear when the Premier participates in compromise to pack the election of members of the Constitutional Court as required by the question montesinitas Ríos Castillo who resigned to that helped him get there. In the case of the eight MPs to be outrageous because of its clear anti-FTA will equal formality on the one hand but on the other clear demonstrations of a power born of the shameful dark alliance with FujiMontesinismo APRA.

're not in game only the desire for better wages or working arrangements fairer, but the most basic democratic rights as freedom of association and strike. Urgent need to organize a strong response to the removal of the political leaders of these sector ministries, as well as the release of the leaders arrested or prosecuted and termination of judicial hostilización.

While the Miners' Federation and the CGTP must urgently take necessary union coordination, the left parties and democratic personages who still remain in the country must specify the necessary policy coordination in the shortest time for a protest to halt the ciernes.Las fachistización escalation in meetings of the National Control Unit, formed to organize the national day of July 11 may not expect that date to finalize the protest had been planned, because reality has matured faster than expected. Also, the Mining Federation must submit for consideration to their bases the resumption of the national strike to support the struggles of Casapalca, Shougang, Southern, Yanacocha and other bases.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Av Dvd Shops In Tokyo

Bourgeois Dictatorship

By: Marco Chereque Pretel
There is a problem that should concern us as academics.

All analysts and opinion columnists have not failed to notice in his writings an involution in the Political System structure from the promulgation of the Constitution Fujimontesinista where the monarchical principle "to Justice of the sovereign, all voices must be silent" have materialized this time in our "brand new" President Alan Garcia, who has assumed powers to legislate government in matters of Homeland Security (gangs, drug trafficking, terrorism, etc. with only 49 votes in favor of the measure, with 7 abstentions and the rest who did not attend the vote (64). Alan Garcia, and has the power.
Castillo wanted to make clear that the government's intention not only to toughen penalties (which will), but cover the loopholes that favor criminal gangs as a way of combating global crime. Del Castillo forget that the problem of citizen security in Peru is not solved by more "tough" has not worked so far, and that must be addressed from more points than simple repression, since it will always be insufficient.

do not think too far wrong to assume that regression in the political system. We say this not only on the concentration of power but also according to the story punitive. Imagine for now in the XXI century the defendant as part of a public ritual that is publicly mark both physically and morally through the torture and torture. This seems a bit inconsistent and even absurd as the product of "progress" of ideas, some say, the "revaluation" of man, and "Democratization" ever-growing state. But really, just that, is what allows us to keep these forms of torture, keeping in time through science, thereby justifying the right to punish. As this work leading to the intellectuals of the dominant caste to create countless restoration projects, new theories of law and crime and the constant reorganization of the codes.

Therefore, in this sense, and merged the regression in the political structure and modernization of ideas and forms of state domination, we get a time in history where science punitive serving in power, accused those who were labeled a terrorist for more than a quarter century, presenting today at a new audience that is no longer spectators beheadings but is in the newspaper stand in the corner. The way in which this society recognizes and condemns expecting this defendant is a new scar that is no longer marked on his face by hot irons or body product of the many tortures, but is recorded in a computer as a criminal record. Scar that will hit the unconscious of the men and will evoke dead or missing. Painful circumstances that the state itself was responsible for translating.

This political plan that makes the human being, an instrument for collective emotional instability with respect to human rights and conditioning for a wide thirst for justice blind hatred holds to the facts. It is a strategic plan that will allow the current President of the Republic of Peru, Alan García "El Facho Perez, uphold and restore order under the guise of security and the interests of the bourgeoisie. Indeed it is applauded by the gentry and that will cost the disappearance of corporate and trade union leaders and the emergence of clandestine graves. Dead for wanting only one thing: "That life is valued." This will tell a protest because mystery is that surveys of people aware it was designated as an event driven by terrorists, who will have to be with the law and death.

This is what should concern us, not just the university as having a muted voice in the field and industry, if indeed it could be, but all oppressed classes of the world who seek to live in peace and not bourgeois dictatorships already declared its bloody military repression pathways.

Do You Like Remy Goddess Hair

debt Pay us not "free" is neither anti-imperialist Chavez

By: Miguel Angel Hernandez

Date Published: 04/16/2007
The government, through the Minister of Finance and the President himself, has announced with great fanfare, the payment of the debt with the World Bank IMF, which amounted in 1998 to around 3 billion dollars. Minister Rodrigo Cabezas said in making the announcement now "Venezuela is free and sovereign." Let us see to what extent this is true or not.

What is the origin of Venezuela's foreign debt?

We must remember that the debt was fraudulently contracted by corrupt governments that for 40 years enjoyed the sweetness of power. We need to remember, and know that this illegal debt contracted through the good offices of adecos and copeyanos, and their favored businessmen who then organized the coup of April 2002 and the strike-sabotage of PDVSA. The same people who were beneficiaries of the refinancing best in the world "Lusinchi, by which the government acknowledged the debt of private entrepreneurs at preferential rates, casting the heavy burden on the shoulders of workers and people who have had to pay with our effort and sacrifice that criminal decision. Among the beneficiaries of the refinancing bankers were left with the "twine in the foot" after Caldera granted them the infamous "financial aid".

What has happened in recent years with debt "eternal"?

The current government of President Chavez, has been one of the most accurate and timely external debt has been paid, in Latin America and in the history of debt in our country. Despite being a candidate for president in more than one occasion stated that he would pay and declare a moratorium. Consider the cold data, which speak for themselves.

When President Chavez came to power in 1999, Venezuela's foreign debt was 23.314 million dollars, today, 8 years after the debt "eternal" is 27 thousand 236 million dollars, ie far paid, has increased 3.922 million dollars.

But the issue is more serious if we consider the total dollars paid to the creditor transnational banks in the last 8 years. The Chávez government has paid over this period, an amount similar to the total debt that the country now has (27 billion dollars).

We need a little more the tremendous cost of this for the Venezuelans. From 1999 to 2006, the net transfer of resources to the banking and international financial institutions-belts of imperialism has been the bargain of 16 thousand 980 million dollars, which is approximately 60% of current debt, and yet the debt increased over the first year in office. This transfer is the difference between interest paid and principal repaid. Now let's see, just in interest paid over the same period the amount of 17 thousand 299 million dollars. It's good to be clear that pay no interest on capital debt reduction. That is why you pay, is still paying, and never decreases, however, increases, as we saw previously. Indeed, this debt is "eternal."

Paying the IMF and World Bank set us free?

The government presented as a great achievement to have paid the debt to the World Bank and IMF. First, this represents only a fraction of total debt, but nevertheless had a great cost to the people and workers, which in the end are those who pay, let's see why: from 1999 2006, the government paid only interest the World Bank and the IMF a total of 2 000 $ 30 million, ie a bit less than they owed in 1998 (U.S. $ 3,314 million). This means that the government at the end paid more than what is owed to these agencies that are part of imperialism, both criticized the President in his speeches. Pay these agencies beyond symbolic as it may be, we have not released, and that continues to weigh on the pockets of workers and people pay what is still owed to multinational banks. For example, since the government has to pay this year for the amount of 1,432 million dollars for debt servicing. And just between January and February of this year and paid $ 159 million. We wonder: How many houses could be built with these numbers? How many colleges and schools? How much of this money could be spent to increase wages or to cover the benefits of public employees or oil workers, who have overcome their collective agreements?

pay or not pay, there have

But the question above is not the main problem. The question raised is whether it continues to pay an illegal debt contracted by the corrupt governments of AD and COPEI. A debt that has already been paid several times and yet still growing.

believe that Venezuela is not releasing or more sovereign because you paid more than the IMF and World Bank. Precisely what they want these bodies is to be paid, and our government, unfortunately, he does religiously, and we want to sell it later as a great triumph.

pay debt not only means diverting resources to banks and agencies international financial rather than use them to pay the social debt. Not only is a moral issue insofar as they continue paying illegal and fraudulent debt owed by the governments of the Fourth Republic and coup entrepreneurs enemies of the revolution. It is also an issue that affects the independence and sovereignty against imperialism. Facing

imperialism is by not paying the foreign debt

It would not pay the foreign debt is related to the defense of the country's sovereignty against the constant aggression of imperialism. It is a political problem, not just economically.

debt is an economic mechanism political domination of imperialism and interference in the internal affairs of countries, to the extent that, through pressure and blackmail of the transnational banks and international financial institutions like the World Bank or the IMF, are determined and condition public policies in the economic area, made the nations.

Moreover, the resources that we pay to the international banks are used by imperialism to attack and subdue other peoples. Those billions of dollars paid by our country used to pay the fuel that drives the U.S. war machine in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East, or to invade Haiti.

Hence, we are opposed to paying the debt, but only a part, as was just done with the World Bank and IMF. To that extent, "helping" other countries to repay foreign debt with the IMF, as was the case of Argentina, not to boast or feel "happy", as President Chavez said recently. It simply is cooperating in maintaining ties with these international financial subjugation of imperialism, which gladly receive these resources that will help maintain its hold on people, at the expense of the large social debt that still has so much to our people as to Argentine people.

President Chavez, instead of paying the agencies of imperialism, and "help others to cancel their commitments to these octopuses operators should use its continental leadership to convene a summit of Latin American presidents, especially those that claim" progressive "to declare a debt moratorium joint, and to urge those governments to undertake an audit of debt.
Source: Aporrea

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Letter Draft For Wedding Gift Contribution

Note: not share, but reported

President Chávez announced the payment of debt to the World Bank

By: Telesur -

During the ceremony commemorating the fifth anniversary of the civil-military response that defeated the coup in Venezuela in April 2002, which interrupted for 47 hours the mandate of Venezuelan President Chavez announced on Thursday his country paid The last installment of the debt with the World Bank.

President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, Venezuela said Friday it has canceled the debt it owed to the World Bank.

"Yesterday (Thursday) we paid the last installment of the debt (...) with the World Bank," said the Venezuelan president during a ceremony held in the vicinity of the Palacio de Miraflores, in the heart of Caracas, to commemorate the April 13, 2002, when a "civic-military rebellion" restore constitutional order in Venezuela, following a coup that ousted him from power for 47 hours.

"With this latest payment (World Bank), that debt in 1998 was almost 3 billion dollars, I can say today that we have not a penny of debt or the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank "he exclaimed.

The Venezuelan leader said he was "happy" to cancel this commitment recalling that Venezuela helped the "sister Republic of Argentina" to pay its debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

"I am very pleased that Venezuela has helped Argentina, International Monetary Fund released. Argentina already owes nothing to the IMF, among other things, with support from Venezuela, "he said.

" We've made it to Venezuela, a country in debt and we were tied, (...) a modest but important financial center country and supporting other countries and other people, "he added.

This Friday, April 13, Caracas was the scene of popular and military led by President Hugo Chávez, to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the military civic response" crushed "coup April 2002, interrupted for 47 hours the mandate of the Venezuelan president.

The commemoration was held under the slogan "Everything 11 has its 13 ", to remember that the coup of April 11, 2002 had the answer on the 13th of the month, when loyalist forces and thousands of followers of the revolutionary process that exists in Venezuela dropped from the crowded neighborhoods of Caracas and led the triumphant return of the president.

The event, held near the Miraflores palace, began with the singing of the national anthem of Venezuela and have a massive attendance.

The Venezuelan leader began speech remembering the victims of the coup occurred between 11 and 13 April 2005, calling them "martyrs".

A "five years of civilian and military rebellion" that defeated the coup, Chavez said that "never before in 100 centuries, in any part of this planet something had happened," he said, referring to the response of Venezuelans gave the coup to return to the Venezuelan leader to power.

Continued construction of the PSUV

Chavez made reference again to the formation of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and asked the crowd that accompanied it, a cheer for those members of the different formal political parties who accepted his invitation to join the new political grouping.

called back to the parties that support him to join the PSUV party unity.

announced that starting next April 29 the "records" to join the PSUV, and said he also enrolled in the new organization, noting that the conformation of the party together "is one of the great needs is our revolution, "he said.

"Let's build it (the PSUV), from the grassroots" invited. "I'm going to register (...) to express the will of being a member of that party, which has not yet been formed, I am going to register and sign to join directly to the process of building the party from the grassroots, "he said.

" Then come the elections, which will of course observed and regulated by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and there (...) (...) we must lead by example stressed, recalling that the PSUV "each of us is but one more actor on an equal footing, to build a real party of battle, "he said.

Rejects U.S. imperialism

again rejected President Chavez U.S. imperialism and insisted that the coup that ousted him for 47 hours, was organized and financed by the government of President George W. Bush.

assured that President Bush is an "illegitimate", saying that Bush did not win the 2000 elections, but that "he stole."

"The president of the United States won the 2000 election, he stole the election was a fraud (...) (...) it is shown, only that there was an agreement of the elites Americans and put there by a decision of some judges purchased " said.

The Venezuelan head of state stressed that "Venezuela will never kneel before the U.S. empire.

" The coup of April 11, 2002 was as head coup by businessman Pedro Carmona, currently refugees in Colombia, and had the support of senior military, business, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, private media, upper and middle classes, and opposition parties and trade unions.

The Venezuelan government claims that the coup was "organized, financed and directed" by Washington, and has presented various tests for support this assertion.

Courtesy: Dignity National Democratic Movement.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Everclear Legality California

External Debt Payment Workers' Party or Partido Revolucionario Obrero

Edited 30 / 03 / 2007

If we are thinking in a democratic way, the line worker must rrecurir opportunism and, consequently, the use of the term worker-bourgeois style in non-dialectical sense, ie as they say people, regardless of the layers that exist in this concept. Their participation in the road bourgeois democracy will have a significant amount of followers, who will have no further requirement to enter the ranks of the party, promising the vote. Even so, we must consider the charisma and sympathy of the aristocracy in favor of the center and right, which excite the masses with their false promises, securing with a few poles, hats and "school kits" his victory at the polls.

This political immaturity that comes from the daily mechanisms of the economy and the existing society with its own effect on the consciousness of the exploited, and purely ideological manipulation of the ruling class . Domain Factors favor ideological political lackeys of the system. This option opportunist, he opposes the creation of a Revolutionary Workers Party, which must not bow down to the very concept of labor, falling into the absurd deification, but should make this, a worker through the three stages Awareness: Awareness elementary class consciousness and class politics Workers Revolutionary Consciousness. The first arises only from the battles in the class struggle, its traffic to a political consciousness of political turmoil over all the lands by the revolutionary vanguard of the workers-workers who have the final organized consciousness-you can keep continuity Awareness created and developed solely on the class struggle, the masses that acting spontaneously return to their struggle for survival after these spontaneous movements. At this stage of consciousness, political consciousness, "the worker will be able to show solidarity with other sectors of society, as they affected by the greed of the capitalist regime, finding their allies there and in the workers of other countries the world. This political awareness even under the influence of bourgeois ideology because it only be free when he does break the economic structure of the system that alienates the worker-consciousness, may result in the inclusion within the ranks of the reactionary party to a worker, because even not aware of the means of liberation, being able to want to assume his political role under the bourgeois assumptions. To this, we can oppose only the last phase of training the worker, the one which will raise consciousness in a pragmatic way to understanding their historical role in this class struggle. The organized labor, with revolutionary consciousness is alone in times of calm, to continue the fight "with other media: newspapers publishing workers, organizing education for these groups, etc. Only with this preparation, which is a task of many years of organizing, planning and consistency. With this education to hundreds and thousands of advanced workers in the spirit of a revolutionary program and the experience accumulated over the years for these workers to try to get this program to the masses, will create an awareness as to which the situation demands history among the masses. With its consistent ... Victoria!

Chereque Pretel, Marco

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Cream And Black Prom Suits

Basic Theory

Written on 24/03/2007

Introduction :

The human person is a being a rebel, as the direct reality, including their social and cultural formation. Its economic opportunity, has forced him to live within a class. That is, no group has been following the herd instinct or survival. This is partly because the desire for perpetuation of the bourgeoisie, preventing its dominance in the future necessarily yield place to a more social. With the same inevitability with which the formation of the bourgeoisie as a class up, was decisive in certain period of history when the struggle against feudal relations respond to the needs of historical development. In

objective laws of social development arise the contradictions and class struggle as the scientific-political phenomenon. Dialectical materialism Marxist philosophy is, examine the world as a constant and continuous evolution, for the first time in history (both in nature and society). His unique world view provides the key to the proletariat to secure their release, for in the struggle of opposites has always supported the development of society. The victory of the proletariat will lead to a new form of political power: Democracy, which decomposed into its Greek roots, is the government (dictatorship) of the people (proletariat). Opposed to the marginal state, bureaucratic and elitist, which assumes the authority and exercise of power at the expense of the majority.

Political Power:

While in the bourgeois state, we say that power is the ability to induce another or others to make certain decisions within the political system or political influence of one person over many others, and that its power is not possible without the concurrence of the influence and coercion. In the new form of political power must be considered, with the premise that the new form of state organization in the interests of the proletarian class, which institutionalized expression must be conditioned by:
1.-The proper education of the working class to understand the contradictions that must be met to produce wealth and affluence.
2.-Inclusion in their government, the necessary elements for a social development program, to include others affected by the capitalist system.

The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, would then be the ultimate expression of political autonomy and economic independence for the benefit of the majority.

Political Power Source:

In History, there are two axes on which lies the source of power:

The doctrine of divine origin: God 's who elect rulers, investing the necessary powers to conduct human affairs. Doctrine
only compatible with the absolute monarchy, thesis abandoned after the French Revolution of 1789.

The doctrine of popular origin: the result is distorted by the bourgeoisie to maintain their power after the monarchy fall. Thus, power has its roots and foundation in the village. Ie, either under the laws of the State, without distinction of classes. In Peru, the bourgeois principle is enshrined in Article 45 of the constitution of 1993.

Article 45 .- The State's power emanates from the people. Those who exercise do with the limitations and responsibilities that the Constitution and laws set ...

Send reality has been responsible for deleting and stomping. The people do not choose how to organize and under the principles of this organization. The real owner of this power are the party designated by the aristocracy to the Constituent Power. They are not made to compete as a representative of this or that popular sector, but many others are taxes, not only to decide more to choose from. Adding to not show the reality as harsh and limited our freedom, the concepts of Free Elections, Voting and Periodic Competitive Universal.

Conditions to the new Form of Power:

The state no longer need force to adjust reality to their mandates. Their representatives to the whole society, did not need the ability to impose, by having its policy entirely match with the objective laws of social development.

Legitimacy, and have no reason to be an element of power. The governed, as it does not happen in bourgeois democracy, will not have to accept the dictates of a representative of power, as he will be the real manager of his revolution. In short, legitimacy will not be given regarding the ruling, obeying because they consider reasonable, necessary, appeal or any other reason. Its acceptance by otherwise would go into the system in general, being the key driver to meet its goal of erecting a classless society, that is, without exploiters and exploited.

necessary conditions, then, for this form of government does not degenerate into "state capitalism", a term that was unknown to the Stalinist dictatorship, lies in two fundamental elements: 1.-

Education .- We refer not only to scientific and technical instruction exported and distributed in universities, but also a political party that has its foundations in an analysis of economic reality. Preventing the power was to stand up again at the hands of the capitalists, because they have wealth, organization, strength and power. Therefore, we direct all our practice to give back to the working class, knowledge, make it independent from the hands of the Technocrat.

2.-After winning governmental power, the working class as a true expression of popular will, should concentrate all its efforts for the party of the proletariat has the participation of larger number of people affected, directly or indirectly , by the capitalist system in developing the program, which allows reaching the people in a systematic way, the objectives to be achieved by the proletariat revolutionary.

Only in this way, the history of mankind, unlike the bourgeoisie, which tends to perpetuate its current domain. Know the only kind that aims to build a society in which they cease to exist as a class.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Blank Immunization Sheet

Policy What to Know for the Revolution ? My Friends

To: Jeferson Canayo Anahuari Sociology Student

UNMSM Diner on 23/03/2007

Done ... In revolutionary times, millions and millions of men learn in a week in a full year of routine life and sleepy ... Lenin

History can not be satisfied with such vague notions. Instruments needed rigorous, sharp concepts to guide them in the events in the jungle of human events. Not all popular struggle can be considered revolutionary. We get another type of name to describe this kind of process, particularly different, it belongs to the English Revolution of the seventeenth century, the four-century French VVIII and XIX and in general political life of Europe between 1750 and 1900, the Russian Revolution 1917, China 1948, Cuba 1959, Vietnam in 1975 among others.

Revolutionary attitude is the epitome of the contradictions of class struggle as the scientific and political phenomenon born of the objective laws of social development. While as a result of the offensive of neoliberalism, the average citizen does not increase their purchasing power is generating a consistent dissatisfaction with the system. His dissatisfaction is not determined as a revolutionary XXI Century or any other century in human history. To understand this statement, we must accept that the movement of society has always been driven by the struggle of opposites, but this movement has not always resulted in a development driven by the proletariat. L history has shown the role highly developed revolutionary bourgeoisie, as close as we respect the independence of our country at the hands of the natives. "The bourgeoisie can not exist, "says Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto - but constantly revolutionizing the instruments of labor, and thereby the relations of production, and thus all social relations." For this, the bourgeoisie uses its class rule, dragging their productive to freedom from lock to prevent the expansion of its domination as a class. This analysis made by Marx, we should release as part of a historical experience, that not all have socialist revolutionary action. The proletarian struggle is not directed against abuses but against the use, ie, by a socialization of the means of production, as Marx said: "... The Communists may be summed up his theory in this single sentence: Abolition of Private Property. "

For managers of this revolution. Can we say that there are no material or social conditions in the working class to the dismantling of unions and the consequent loss of bargaining power with governments? Perhaps, that imitates the practice of unbridled capitalism against the working class? Should we before this, forget them as directly affected by the monopolistic concentration of the means of production in the hands of its class enemy? No, the sequel to the neoliberal offensive, instead of limiting the contradictions, the more acute, because now the working class is more than ever directly feel unprotected and irrational resistance to their concerns and social demands, with the only consequence, by the neo-liberalism, to fulfill its imperial final stage, unable to overcome the crisis or corrode, and only handle with the sole aim to survive and prolong its life as the dominant system in current Edmundo. The conditions are clear if we allow ourselves a moment of bookish training, to attend the scope of the worker, and listen to him, his dissatisfaction with their work situation and under its regulations, that they come back committing to support the business class.

As regards the theoretical field action, we can not fall in the spontaneity. If being militants, talk openly that the fight is not between classes but of humanity from hunger and exclusion, a very serious problem occurs in the party ranks. The criticism would be here, party organization, we can not think of lead without first understanding the nature of party-defined end-and the need for a program through which we must achieve 3 objectives: raising awareness, organizing and mobilizing . This is the only way of targeting the construction of revolutionary organizations, not hesitant to their historical role against humanity. Perhaps these were confused with those of a popular front protest, but there is much difference, as the revolutionary organizations seeking just as its main objective, to oppose the massive inebriation, we had mentioned, that is, knowing how to be in the minority for some time, otherwise, to quote Lenin: "... OK to be part of general infection, falling into the trap of "union of the masses" and not proletarian proletarian without an analysis of the difference in class "

is better to be in the minority and as well we will develop a work of criticism and clarification of errors. Propagandist work at present is the central point to release the proletarian line of drunkenness small bourgeois that different media have been responsible for creating a root and deepen theoretical conflict in the line of action. With these constraints

How then consider a proletarian revolutionary of the XXI Century? The proletarian revolutionary, we can only define a period of armed revolutionary action where there is no difference with other variants of socialism in combating the international bourgeoisie. This does not exclude or put marbles, the popular movement in their quest for freedom as an individual. To clarify this point, prophetically, to cite Lenin:

"Make war to overthrow the bourgeoisie International war is a hundred times more difficult, protracted and complex than the most stubborn of ordinary wars between states, and renounce all attempts to advance, to exploit the conflict of interests (if only temporarily) that divide our enemies, renounce agreements and commitments with potential allies (even if temporary, unstable, unsteady, conditional), is not, perhaps, something unspeakably ridiculous? Do not come to be that as yes, it's difficult to climb a mountain unexplored in nobody would have put the plant still be renounced in advance do sometimes Zigzo, to retrace our steps sometimes, to abandon the chosen direction at first to try other directions (VT XXV, p. 210).

From the above, we emphasize as a first point that can not be a revolution without arms, the opposite is falling into the idealistic thought that Ortega y Gasset as revolution considers a state of mind, a disposition of the heads in an era revolutionary. The armed struggle, is this period of revolutionary action, gives the party an inescapable duty, remain on the side of the masses, leading the fight in the most organized as possible. The second point, we will define your character must therefore be doomed to educate workers in the spirit of the revolutionary struggle and the pursuit of partnerships with other indirectly affected sectors and proletarians of other countries. Organizational development for this period is inevitable. The period of the proletarian revolution requires a direct preparation for the overthrow of imperialism and the conquest of power by the working class.

The party in this regard has to be composed of the best pictures of the working class well prepared to assume the vanguard of the working class. His combative role, can only assure victory if the driving under the knowledge of the laws of the revolution. If, however, the party is confined solely to engage in direct action of the people's demands, whatever their claims, limiting to bridge the differences and contradictions inherent in the development of class struggles, the most you could get is the liberation of the individual.

In conclusion, a party will cease to be such, but capable of overcoming the inertia and political indifference of the spontaneous movement, but is located above the immediate interests of the proletariat, but known to raise the masses to understand the interests of proletarian class. In this synthesis, only a match with the theoretical and practical mettle in the action will be able to divert the working class of petty bourgeois drunkenness and make it an independent political force. Marco

Pretzel Chereque
IUS Movement "New Generation Student"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Anthem Blue Access Lap Band Surgery

Liberals EFF

Castillo Renzo Canepa: Vanguardia Liberal
"Of Men and Free Minds"
(copied to the final statement of criticism)
Written on February 16, 2007
I extend a critical task if demystify and remove the masses of left Falzes and Russia were the SRs, the Mensheviks and the Cadets . But because they are just nostalgic extinct representatives of a Right back in 1919, for criticism because enough has already questioned, criticized and found crushed by the circumstances and history itself, for that reason I will limit myself only to give them a council must take into account that their proposals are not in a gaseous state and can really be called "Vanguard Liberal "in a country where there is no right.

1) To begin leaving the educational problem is not new, since the liberal model of educational management has been raised by Fritz Du Bois, in 1998, and has the initiative to study the Repeated attempts dating from the 90's and experience in Chile, Colombia and El Salvador and part of wanting to associate the problem of student performance to a mere phenomenon of Management, also pretends that the market players themselves know their own needs, so will the market and the competition that it will generate about the factors that guide the various actors to make better decisions: Which brings us to weigh the decentralization of educational management, a handful of people who govern the nation to a local level can not patch the courts or their competence, want to manage the education!, which will result in the admission by them of the need for support from the private entity. (Privatization of Education and therefore arbitrary dismissal of teachers).

2) The Restatement Channel, which aims through a method of demand subsidies in the form of transfer per capita to schools the student attends, to allow parents to choose education for their children in public schools, Joint Management (such as Fe y Alegría, subsidized by the state but operated by private entities) and his great challenge: Private Schools. This may create a misconception because the parents may be influenced by special uniforms, modern infrastructure names in English, the more advertising, etc..

3) Thus the "best" education centers will attract a greater number of students. Schools that fail to perform well then you will see a "migration" of students to other centers "Top" so that you have a "strong incentive to improve." IN CASE failing to provide a relevant and appropriate, these schools should disappear as soon (disappearance of the Public Service Disability Management.) I speak of Public Service and Education Center not particularly because the system must necessarily include the Private Education to ensure that there is competition, as well as to enable a greater proportion of low-income families to access private education.

4) In conclusion, this is just a play on words that can not be applied to our reality simply because we do not have a market model "in its pure version, because we only have mercantile and RIGHT there is a real must have two conditions impossible at this point:
a) That the modern project has not refused to itself, ie that the Bourgeoisie is revolutionary ... inaudit5a thing, it would be like asking the mule to engender its opposite.
b) To break with the past Creole and hypocritical to be liberal radical word, the manner of the seventeenth and eighteenth century but reactionary feudal and pre-colonial or mercantilist traitors in fact. "Just give up
Liberalism Formalistic.
-only rights in law, but not in power, effective rights never, ever admit equated with India, why look abroad for pleasure, his past ARIO. India are also some, but these are opportunists. INDIAN
Marxist revolutionaries We know that the path of liberation is not passing through. We
we not only deal with the state and the CW and its imperialist allies but generating destroy the movement from the new institutions of power bases to replace those who never used to make real reforms or not REVOLUTION. Because the mercantilist will not want to face this state, because it serves as means to negotiate with the colonialist, hence for them no matter create domestic market only what interests them is to coordinate the foreign market and sell to your mother if it would give money, money saving abroad, they take raw materials and money, but also carries the work of our people in the form of goodwill.
So join the University International Socialist Movement (Mov. IUS) and bring down the CAPITALISM.

Chereque Pretel Setting
Vice-Chairman of Justice of the Civic Association for the Concerns of the region La Libertad. Urb
Sánchez Carrión, Quito Passage # 174, Trujillo, Peru
Phone: 044-9264506
Phone: 044-475107

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Vanguardia Liberal

For Men and Free Minds

In recent days is discussing an issue that affects universities and Peruvian youth in general. Given this, Vanguardia Liberal (VL), a group of young liberals who was born at the National University Mayor de San Marcos and which brings together young people from various universities, both public and private and the different departments of Peru, is pronounced:
1. We are aware that college education requires an investment, which we favor la posición que propone una reforma estructural en este sector. Por ello, saludamos la iniciativa tomada hacia dicha reforma, mas no los medios de acción.

2. El actual sistema de financiamiento sólo ha creado caos y corrupción en las universidades públicas, egresando de las mismas miles de profesionales incompetentes en los mercados laborales debido a la baja reputación de éstas y la baja calidad de la enseñanza, que es consecuencia, entre otros factores, de los bajos salarios de los catedráticos, la calidad de éstos, la mala infraestructura y una pésima gestión de los recursos económicos.

3. A su vez, se ha creado un sistema de inequidades, ya que los menos beneficiados por the "free" education are those with fewer resources, the poor.

4. This same system that directs funding to the university authorities but not to students, has succeeded, as in many state programs, the money goes declining in the road and leave ridiculous amounts for investment in education which in many cases it poor use. Thus, it would be pertinent to note that the total state budget for public education, largely goes to pay wages and salaries, administrative expenses, among others, but there is no concrete scientific research which is aimed at forming a modern university, public waiting responsible for a globalized world.

4. Ms. Hildebrandt is wrong to think that medicine is creating the problem of state college. Has identified the disease and the aftermath of it, but not attacking the underlying problems, which are the cause of many global public universities do not reach the level of private universities in the United States, Europe and Asia in terms of production research, technology and development.

5. Therefore, VL categorically rejects the Bill introduced by Ms. Hildebrandt because education is not a game or an experiment. This bill requires parents of students graduating from schools individuals to pay a monthly fee to the public university does not provide any kind of financing to expand the resources of families. Thus, access to university education will be more inclusive, endangering the future of millions of young Peruvians.

6. Moreover, in that Mrs. Bill Hildebrandt maintains the same status offer subsidy. Governance of public universities accountable to the government of the day. Public entities have no control
income or expenses, which Judge and Party is the same entity: STATE and thus the lack of control. As long as this system, there is no university autonomy therefore crave. Moreover, whenever the government budget will be insufficient to invest in education. Under that assumption, do not invest either in infrastructure, quality of teaching and not create an atmosphere of competition between state universities and private universities, which would be optimal for public education in general starts to grow.
In contrast, young students agents of change we want to feel our voice of protest and rejection, making our departure to know the great problem of liberal education:
1. Transfer of the public to private: Just like that as mentioned earlier, the real problem of public education is poor authority exercising the state and officials on duty at state universities. Therefore, the cause of the disease can not turn the cure. The proposal is to make private entities outside the state, manage state funds, as it as has been successfully implemented in schools as Fe y Alegría, providing quality education to thousands of underprivileged children.
2. Bonus Access to Education: Creating a mechanism for funding higher education (university or technical) that is available to most families, including a scholarship program for outstanding students, which encourages study and effort of students, they only valued what you get with sacrifice. The elimination of a subsidy offer to give directly to the demand, ie, stop giving money to the university authorities to grant the students, creates a mechanism for competition, because with that same money the student may choose to study in college that suits you, without noticing whether it is public or not, as there will be universities and colleges, and prices within reach of the majority. This system will reward the most competent universities and higher academic standards and punish those who are not. 3 True
university autonomy: Search of university autonomy will only be achieved with desintervención state in educational affairs. Vanguardia Liberal, with the assumption that the individual is the basis for the development of society, does not believe in national educational projects, limiting the specialization of education and therefore there is no incentive scientific research which will promote growth society. Furthermore, it should encourage and accept private investment that are committed to supporting the growth of Peruvian education, which will fund research, scholarships, training professors, among others. Vanguardia Liberal
calls Peruvian youth in general, the university authorities, the professors, families, Peru, the Peruvian government and especially to Ms. Martha Hildebrandt consciously assess the problems of public education in Peru roots; is locating rundown shamefully in the last parts of Latin America, highlighting how the output more efficient and viable liberal proposal that we discussed earlier. In this one way, stop being a poor country and obtain quality education that will grow to Peruvians and Peru make a country prosperous, free and educated.

Lima, February 8 , 2007

How Long To Grow In Eyebrows

Criticism On Liberty

About the statement made by Second Mendoza Díaz , on February 1, 2007, regarding the REJECTION OF THE PROPOSED PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES (copied at the end of this critical.)
Written on February 7, 2007

Dear Second Mendoza Diaz , the word "experimental or improvised" (played in the second line of point 1 of your statement), we doubt deserves to characterize this type of project, still in its early stage. The scale of this plan, which is nothing but the creation of capitalist structures in the Education Sector, has been drawn by an agenda for action, "Agenda for reform measures that do not raise or modernization programs of the Education Traditional style, with simple rearrangements and readjustments of the system, but rather propose a sort of shock or drastic reform. " (1)

1 .- This comment entrains us to counteract certain types of concepts, to give a radically different, or to demystify it, to focus on the real problem invalidates remnants and reflections of the concepts of bourgeois commercial rationality. What is avoided is that this new version of privatization is not raised as an aspiration of any particular individual or parliamentary bloc, to penetrate the complexity and systemic nature of the phenomenon. A critical seen emanating from a Communist political source in the ideological sense of the word.

2 .- gravitational orbit where it circulates practice dirigencial University "Student Universe" is and has been criticized for our organization and with good reason to just "right- privatizing "as" Deformation of student accountability that has led them to become mere spectators when dealing with general affairs of the University - (and Society) - and combative actors when it comes to eliminating any academic or financial requirements standards prescribed for them. This conception makes the student representatives on union leaders struggle against the bosses in the interests of a student become exploited worker, for which the repetition is an injustice and the University a territory dominated and exploited by the ruling class, ie authorities. "(2). Wrong ideological interpretation of the class struggle in the" Republic University "that only limited and reduces the ability to view and analyze the real role of the University System Neoliberal like ours." To demonstrate that abstract enough, if only for a minute, the current noise of phrases , promises and minutiae of the day, that dull the brain, and take a look at the basics, to what matters in life in society: The Class Struggle "(3). Example of phrases that dull the brain and the misinterpretation of the class struggle in the "Republic Universitaria" is implicit in the statement from the EFF , "warned that to continue this project or which restrict legitimate rights as the middle passage, we will be taking protest actions that we are already evaluating. "(point 5 of delivery)

3 .- It is not" antimoralist "" neither fair bit "( as noted the statement by the EFF in item 3), the attitude of Mrs . Hildebrandt, because reducing the analysis of the phenomena to these two categories axiological is reenter the tactic Fearful that the complainants are not able to discover the true origin - " ECONOMIC " - the problem because like it or not "A sad fate has hung over our University and determined to fill mainly for professional purposes and scientific snobbery, but not an educational purpose, much less a weekend statement and national consciousness. To fly through the history of the University since its inception to date, highlights this trait unpleasant and unfortunate: It is not linked to the national situation, with the life of our country, the needs and aspirations of the Country "(4) . This last to the end that we are willing to befuddle the working class on alcohol, casinos and other vices, to hold their dependence and allow exploitation as long as, the "Student Universe" is see favored with a free gift of these transnational mining or a garbage tax destructive elements of human independence, used in colonial times to numb the revolutionary consciousness. Thought Mariategui ! Effective !..." The University is an instrument of the Colony ", but read this alternative solution to the economic crisis at the Public University raised by the Chairman of the EFF Second Mendoza Diaz , "secondly, it is possible to implement more creative standards, additionally, help improve the budget of the universities, one of them would be to create of a Special Fund to be constituted in taxes on alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, gambling, and mining windfall. "(item number 4 of your statement)

4 .- Finally , say that the policy of the State Demo -Burgess, has not only an education tax alienating and alienated, but also individualistic. So far we have been unable to study the phenomenon privatizing plan in one capitalist, listening and always approaching it from different sectors, privatization in the Clean Public Service Privatization Water, Privatization in Education, etc, etc,. "The Class Struggle has no specific clientele, which tend to have different ministries" (5), we need to identify and articulate those interests in a single Alliance - (workers, peasants, students and other sectors) - time for this purpose , later, as a result of the struggle and the limitation of a specific goal and only the problem, could deal a real blow to pivot of this phenomenon, which is not isolated as we have been playing but has its origin in "The Capitalist System "- and so to conclude in a match that will lead to a true democracy in the sense EXACT TERM .... Town government ....! POPULAR GOVERNMENT!. This material prepared
aims eventually, meet 3 goals: Educate , organize and mobilize the various groups concerned, but also being criticized by them, as has been the source of this analysis, "designed in such So returning to your starting point - "FEP" - compliance with the dialectical movement of traffic, providing issuers workers - "Second Mendoza Díaz " - the ability to leverage the criticism leveled and become material developed into a source of consciousness.
! And make good use REPRODÚZCANLO !

! IUS movement, the real university revolution in the service of the Working Class!

Chereque Pretel Setting
Vice-Chairman of Justice of the Civic Association for the Concerns of the region La Libertad.
Urb. Sánchez Carrión , Quito Passage # 174, Trujillo-Peru
Mobile: 044-9264506
Phone: 044-475107

Bibliography (1) Fritz Du Bois , "A Balance of Social Policy," p. .159, Edit . Peruvian Institute of Social Market Economy, October . 2004.
(2) Javier Sota Nadal, "The University, conversatorio made in Congress from March to June 1998, p. . 84 Edit Congress, July 1998.
(3) Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov (Владимир Ильич Ульянов), "Between Two Revolutions," page 331, Edit . Progress, Moscow -1974.
(4) Jose Carlos Mariategui , "7 Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality" page 134, Edit . Minerva, Miraflores - Lima, March 1981.
(5) Matterlart Armand, "Mass Media and Class Struggle", p. 18, Edit . Causachun , Lima-Peru, 1976. -------------------------------------------------
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(FEP )

The National Board of the Federation of Students of Peru ( FEP), compared to the bill, introduced by Congresswoman Martha Fujimori Hildebrandt on absolute elimination of free higher education is pronounced as follows.

1. This proposal is effective, it does not address the central aspects of the university crisis urgent care, is improvised, as it is developed based on data that do not correspond with the reality of the universe of students for which you want to legislate and lacks support serious technical; is misleading because it assumes that public universities have students free of absolute, something completely false, since there are currently high costs for items of examination for admission, tuition, fees, etc, which cover the deficit caused by the abandonment of the state.

2. At the same time, alerted the public, especially students and parents, that the true intent of this measure is to give impetus to the privatization of public universities as part of the policy of multilateral agencies, (World Bank, IMF ), to serve the interests of transnational of education and financial. We recall that the privatizing mood is not new, since during the regime Fujimontesinista , already made this proposal which was rejected then, like 2002 when the proposed former Congressman Ayaipoma .

3. We are surprised that Congresswoman Hildebrandt, seeking "justice" against public education, when she herself has no moral authority, since throughout his parliamentary career has taken money that did not belong receivable payments as "installation" or "schooling", etc and that was after the dictatorship which he served and defended the Education deepened the crisis we now observe.

4. Students of the country requires a real long and comprehensive debate on the fate of universities. Only after this and a new university law, that reflects the demands of the academic community and the country, we can talk about solutions to the crisis and not palliative eventually end up being worse than the disease. Raised, namely, firstly, that the Peruvian government fulfill its commitments, national and international, which is pending to increase the education sector budget, secondly, it is possible to implement more creative standards, in addition, help improve the budget of the universities, one of them would be to create a special fund to be constituted in taxes on alcoholic beverages, cigarettes , gambling, and mining windfall.

5. Finally, we demand respect for the free education and we welcome the decision of the Rector of the UNMSM to support this law student to make real and effective free education at the university, and we realized that to continue this project or restricting legitimate rights as the middle passage, we will be taking protest actions that we have already been evaluated.

Lima, 1 February 2007.

For the National Executive Committee. Second

Mendoza Díaz

URGENT Date: Tuesday, February 6
Time: 5:00 pm
Held Jr. 550 Camaná LIMA ( of . FEP)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Best Knife Buck Strider

On Liberty:

What could understand the word freedom? How many times have you longed to be free to offer up wish our lives for this ideal?. The list is long, immeasurable. Millions of people killed. Millions of lives shackled. And our deepest longings and powerful?. This ideal has been the driving force of humanity. And the battle flags waved in the air even the so-called democratic nations. The truth is that we are in a vicious circle, where despite claims gained more and more we feel trapped. So the question arises: What do we mean by freedom? How to get this social imperative? Is that true, we have our struggles, found some degree of this ideal? Or is it that we have never been masters of this and therefore all our searches took a course unnecessary and unintended consequences?

This awareness is uncertain and transient. Never conceive obtain victory and less consistency between the objective and conquest, but determined the program to follow. What has sought, without agenda and with no party in the various sacrifices of those who have sought to achieve this ideal, is a gelatinous state has constantly changes appearance in the hands of the ruling, one of whom hoped to get the solution. This, through winding laws has dampened the desire for freedom that so often surrounds who has rebelled. There, the need for consistency in the class struggle and belief over the course of history. But who is our class enemy? Who is that on which we will strike the blow triumphant? Who is really the enemy?, Where the weak to overcome it? Determinism has become an imperative in this struggle. The enemy is the one that makes up our channels for we see them as such - and not only them - are also those who take away the chains, but just to let us walk in a closed room. That is, the limitation of our steps in the key field, is given, you are not, others are for you, you do not, others do it for you, you do not offer, that is the job of a few, you'll always be there , not prepared or it'll be to be there. The situation is very clear and has a name: "ruler." Have lost legitimacy and have no degree of representation of their constituents, because as big scammers have used tricks to gain the power "to ensure development in society", but at the cost of betrayal and misery of the large sector oppressed in the nation. The instrument which are strung together to keep the cost of such oppression, by controlling the means of production, is the bourgeois state - which was created to channel and suppress the discontent of many to benefit a few - and its institutions.
Thus, we conclude unique formula that take the battle - as we said before the fighting was constant and the shot must be precise - is to destroy the state and its institutions, to socialize the means of production and on DEVELOP THIS ONE MORE WORTHY MENTION, THAT LEADS TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE TRUE INTERESTS OF CLASS, BUT ONLY RUN BY THEM.

FREEDOM Long live Long live the struggle of the proletariat

Friday, March 16, 2007

Funny Toddler Sayings

The University Class Struggle in the Class Struggle

Thursday 15 March 9:00 a.m.

Understanding the nature of the University in the class struggle, is important not to think that their members can be the managers of a social explosion and less of a Proletarian Revolution . When these "explosions" occur, their impact at most, vibrates the walls of the campus, as their demands are many times caused, when they affect the possibility of becoming a successful professional future or become more costly, as Example: The struggle for free dining, for providing free education, ie they affect their interests. Perhaps in recent years has heard a statement from their representatives to governing bodies: the killings of union leaders, labor rights abuses against by TNCs and other neoliberal policies of the Government of the day, a lackey of imperialism? Never. Therefore, fall into these "explosions university" and think they can be routed, away from any kind of Marxist logic.

To understand the role of the University, you must first analyze the context in which their training is given, ie the democratic camp, and then deduce the conceptual and motivational implications, which lead her to act under clacial struggle.

The implications, the let go of the relationship between the objects to analyze: College-University-Industry and Labor, and of these within a framework of global interaction. At the University, the graduate has been trained as technical support to industry, in other words, to serve, but his slavish character, not equal to a worker making his ally, but on the contrary, it becomes your enemy, that the capitalist system, which has the "knowledge" has the "power." Technocracy which determines the University, more to the right to your left.

This image "servile" professional-as it has a labor market less profitable and the possibility industrialize-generated confusion among those who think they see there, the ally of the worker. Giving you the chance to enter its ranks, winning the sympathy of the class and take the lead it, for that society "instructs," to serve the interests of the People. " Thus, it is as the bourgeoisie has managed a way to control more and stop pressing 3 goals, with clear guidance class, contained in the Communist Manifesto:
1) The constitution of the Proletarian Class.
2) the overthrow of bourgeois rule.
3) conquest of political power by the proletariat.
All synthesized in a single formula: Abolition of Private Property. Objective will not be met by applicants to the bourgeoisie. For the technocratic, it is the gap that imperialism has created to continue to maintain its regime of oppression and domination over the masses.

They are determined by the petty bourgeois longing, as they have an error of origin, and measures of alternative solutions that have been built within the University, is the same as the system has provided Capitalism to appease the discontent of the masses in the name of Democracy. Always clarifying that Democracy is Freedom, but Freedom is not democracy, therefore, can not be exercised to destroy the system because democracy escapes as this should be punished.

Thus, the opportunity, as a result of material and social conditions, becomes slavery within a democratic system, because we must not obey our conscience, but as far as product is formed and adopted the subjective aspects of education imported culture-the one issued in the universities of "civilized" countries.

Democracy from the above, it offers freedom, as this is only a reflection of economic opportunity, the proletariat can not choose, "what can only be countered with the socialization of the means of production, which are now hands of the bourgeois class dominant. Risking democracy then, is to seek harmony and welfare of the political monopoly.

This finding was shown in international economic relations with imperialism. Which through its economic power, seeks to control the world economy. The loans are one of the forms of domination. Conditional investment to improve the urban fabric: schools, hospitals, roads, etc.. Investment targeted to the "people" without distinction between the poor, extremely poor, middle class and rich. Creating a distraction - the urban growth that we do think their quality of life. Cheap labor that foreign investment is not willing to lose in solidarity with developing countries. This investment will become over time, the chain of imperialist democracy to underdeveloped countries, it does not allow these to adapt to the era of energy, technology and development. In addition to their exorbitant loans, have a continuing rise in interest, with the aggravation of the misuse of loans to unprofitable projects, the conditions imposed, among other factors. In this way is that it weaves its influence on the state body, where the ruler elected by "popular democracy", it turns against those it governs, it is faithful servant of imperialism ", a clear manifestation of how economic power of the Empire becomes the tentacles that direct political power in the world.

Freedom-as used by the bourgeoisie to refer to democracy - becomes the only way to keep the savage capitalist system in its social, economic, political and cultural. As Eduardo Galeano says in "Open Veins of Latin America", "dependent industrialization Dragging where the wealth generated does not radiate in class actions or in the whole country and less about the whole society, but strengthens the slopes and even deeper, because they are the highest strata of the pyramid Globally, in complicity with the technocrats - graduates of the university lackeys individual ink-reaping the fruits of the exploitation of the capitalist system, leaving the workers - direct labor-starved, yet increases in productivity and industrial growth.
Setting Chereque Pretel

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Seating Chart Rose Garden Rows

13/03/2007 1:01


The struggle for dominance of mankind, through the 2 systems world, one Communist and the other capitalist, has come to an end with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1991. The years 1990-91 date the crisis of perestroika. The failure of economic reform and the rise of nationalism weakened Gorbachev's draft, and threatening the cohesion of the USSR. The revolution of Orthodox (August 1991) tried to stop the process, but, failing, sparked the democratic revolution, causing the end of communism and the collapse of the USSR.

This indicates that since we are all governed under the guidelines of political and economic free enterprise capitalism. Where 25 years, given political maturity and homogeneity In order to improve the quality of life, sustainable activities that guarantee the welfare of the population. Ie "there are no major discrepancies, capitalism is the key to increasing the country's development." Its leaders are individuals whose economic power, "is guaranteed to make your business practice a national political project with little chance of being wrong", it acts with "Social Responsibility."

In Latin American countries, however, something strange happens to logic. "The people reject the development, does not want more jobs and fight poverty and an oppressive government statist" (see here, in videos, "struggles uneducated people without reasons) . This political struggle in Latin America is going to lead to disaster for the economy because "a government without international loans without TNCs can not create jobs, causing a destabilization in the economy." As the origin of this error, the disorienting effect of the media, which funded a pressure group seeking to create "a false image of the system, carried away by this Sector Resentful, and thus leading to the masses mobilized by feelings and not rationality. "Thus is woven a hoax in all developed countries against those who enjoy the benefits of capitalism, right, artificial within the same officer in Latin America and the great imperialist powers.

If we consider these arguments as a basis, we understand that there are class contradictions: They occur not only with the powers, as in the demonstrations against Bush in America but also within the limes of the same borders against the lackeys, and neo conservative bourgeoisie . Sector working class against the imperialist bourgeoisie and pro-imperialist, contradictions ripe for objective and subjective conditions, occurred by bourgeois economic vision that fails to explain the origin of the crisis and its cyclical nature. Not for lack of intelligence but because their perspective is not perceived class la naturaleza explotadora del sistema productivo. Su perspectiva de clase no percibe las leyes que originan y causan el desarrollo de las crisis, puesto que parte de la superioridad e inmortalidad del sistema capitalista. Por ello se mantiene en un análisis superficial y erróneo encaminado a evitar que las masas ataquen al sistema económico. Encubriendo así, la clara lucha de clases que parten del Capitalismo Salvaje.

Esta lucha coherente con el sentido histórico y biológico, en lo cual todo lo que nace tiene que morir, determina nuevamente una pugna ideológica entre los políticos de izquierda y de derecha. Este suceso lógico, conduce a un nuevo y quejumbroso argumento en los defensores del Sistema: "Hacen del Sistema inconsistent because they fail to consequential arrangements. Time is lost because "we discuss the system" and no longer tries to produce more welfare and development " [1] . Basically what you want to maintain the status quo, stop their course, ignoring the course of history to cling to power. The inability of the electorate is also another factor that maintains the right, as a result of these confusions that give rise to social unrest "discouraged" because, as already stated, they are drawn by their poor knowledge and political immaturity, which of course will end in the disagreement with the management of the rulers. This dissatisfaction with the party or the chairman of the moment, is what makes turn his vision for "False representatives of their class" arrive "by promising" and being "charismatic." What is not said that failure is originating from the same development driven by the pro-capitalist government, which allows corporations, create clubs, bars and brothels to keep dormant the proletarian masses in their pleasures, far from his consciousness and social problems, to ensure stability and investor. In this sense, the ideological struggle to win you must destroy the elitism in the necessary training for managers, planners and economists, to return to class the opportunity to be the manager of its revolution, as you know things are bad for the inability of the State Government removed from popular control. This new capability and awareness will be able to take control of the state, plan, work and succeed with independence, democracy and a system of socialization of the means of production. Root cutting the margin to a technocratic rise to power of those who always wanted to study to grow and not to serve. Consequently, it has the power class and not the Empire, and although it continues to conceal the reality beneath sublime words - Social Responsibility - the final victory will give the working class with a general insurrection. For if the "ideology" capitalist seeking development through economic theory in practice is totally disassociated from the real economy and the economy even more popular. Then understand that the winning system (Capitalism Wild), does not work for developing nations, and must die in honor of the Dialectic.

[1] Leon Cohen Eskenazi "Reach for All", p. 46, October 1989, Lima - Peru

University Movement "New Generation Student"
for true social revolution
Marco Pretzel Chereque

Friday, March 9, 2007

What Color Accessories For Yellow Dress

University: True Regional Development?

University: Regional Development?

Trujillo, December 10, 2006

State University in two factors are the determinants of their existence, which also has close relationship: Ignorance and Development, but the poor structure of this, his mismanagement, the imbalance between labor market and the graduates, and rules that prevent a true freedom of creation, are clear determinants that do not energize the national economy, becoming rather in fair analysis of José Carlos Mariategui, a " instrument of the colonial structure. " Thus making a historical analysis of the role of public universities would throw us into a vicious circle that we entroncaría with preconceptions that limit a real trial, and that might even put us in the role of pessimistic, so the analysis will be done from a economic, social and considering one of the essential elements thereof, without which the University has no reason to be: the students.

About Ignorance, some feel that its eradication is the primary objective of the University - but the academic reality, alluding to a small and insignificant intellectual, who disclaim ignorance attributed to genetic factors, shows that this target is the poor, for which we take into account the generational divorce exists, where adults (teachers) who should be source of knowledge and experience does not produce the proper orientation - thus generating slavery, to the extent that people can not question or change anything. However, we find it necessary to refute these views that lead to slavery even more pronounced on the capitalist system, just as a product of this philosophy is, that education bourgeois-bookish aspirations formed by flowing between mediocrity ideas -would be disposed which lead us to progress, thus indicating a marginal view (such as the constitution forbids) who are manual workers, factory workers or peasants, who want to bring to college to finish their ignorance, as we have been led to believe those who want to continue in carncia of a domestic industry. generating results in a marked economic dependence on exports, besides the concept of generational divorce and other factors indicating the malfunctioning of public education is an approach that we take very carefully, since it is the language of the state who want to discredit to continue its privatization effort, and the resulting system of labor flexibility that would affect the teaching staff appointed in the interests of competitiveness and a better quality of education.

On the development, there are two approaches that can be noted: The first is that of an individualistic nature, founded in selfishness typical of a liberal economy and as we have seen in terms of quality and competitiveness, which is discussed more detail in a future article you can give us a clearer picture, for now we will refer only to mention and the second approach is a development block taking as its premise the basic and vital needs for a given community. Which in theory would call social justice or equity. Thus, in the individual character is encrypted on what role the university plays as a tool in the training of young people, under a coded language in hopes of social progress contained in its Statute and objectives, making it the only alternative frustrated beforehand, where citizens put their trust and their money through their taxes, they think finding conscious youth, who later will the fate of the country and its inhabitants in their hands. Poor, who would they be if they knew that the University creates educators, not to go where the illiterate but rather to go to college where most rewarding, if they knew that lawyers are thrown not to fight injustice but rather to keep the respect for the law and the rule of law, concepts created to oppress those who are struggling towards a minimum of freedom within the field of the dominant, and this will remain in a endless list of professionals, where the only training-which by the way was born of the family is "better than I was," not to "be better for We "which involves a construction that partly demolished the old structures that make our country a body of individuals, prevent us nationhood with a clear objective social.

IUS Movement "New Generation University"
For the true social revolution
Setting Chereque Pretel