Written on 24/03/2007
Introduction :
The human person is a being a rebel, as the direct reality, including their social and cultural formation. Its economic opportunity, has forced him to live within a class. That is, no group has been following the herd instinct or survival. This is partly because the desire for perpetuation of the bourgeoisie, preventing its dominance in the future necessarily yield place to a more social. With the same inevitability with which the formation of the bourgeoisie as a class up, was decisive in certain period of history when the struggle against feudal relations respond to the needs of historical development. In
objective laws of social development arise the contradictions and class struggle as the scientific-political phenomenon. Dialectical materialism Marxist philosophy is, examine the world as a constant and continuous evolution, for the first time in history (both in nature and society). His unique world view provides the key to the proletariat to secure their release, for in the struggle of opposites has always supported the development of society. The victory of the proletariat will lead to a new form of political power: Democracy, which decomposed into its Greek roots, is the government (dictatorship) of the people (proletariat). Opposed to the marginal state, bureaucratic and elitist, which assumes the authority and exercise of power at the expense of the majority.
Political Power:
While in the bourgeois state, we say that power is the ability to induce another or others to make certain decisions within the political system or political influence of one person over many others, and that its power is not possible without the concurrence of the influence and coercion. In the new form of political power must be considered, with the premise that the new form of state organization in the interests of the proletarian class, which institutionalized expression must be conditioned by:
1.-The proper education of the working class to understand the contradictions that must be met to produce wealth and affluence.
2.-Inclusion in their government, the necessary elements for a social development program, to include others affected by the capitalist system.
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, would then be the ultimate expression of political autonomy and economic independence for the benefit of the majority.
Political Power Source:
In History, there are two axes on which lies the source of power:
The doctrine of divine origin: God 's who elect rulers, investing the necessary powers to conduct human affairs. Doctrine
only compatible with the absolute monarchy, thesis abandoned after the French Revolution of 1789.
The doctrine of popular origin: the result is distorted by the bourgeoisie to maintain their power after the monarchy fall. Thus, power has its roots and foundation in the village. Ie, either under the laws of the State, without distinction of classes. In Peru, the bourgeois principle is enshrined in Article 45 of the constitution of 1993.
Article 45 .- The State's power emanates from the people. Those who exercise do with the limitations and responsibilities that the Constitution and laws set ...
Send reality has been responsible for deleting and stomping. The people do not choose how to organize and under the principles of this organization. The real owner of this power are the party designated by the aristocracy to the Constituent Power. They are not made to compete as a representative of this or that popular sector, but many others are taxes, not only to decide more to choose from. Adding to not show the reality as harsh and limited our freedom, the concepts of Free Elections, Voting and Periodic Competitive Universal.
Conditions to the new Form of Power:
The state no longer need force to adjust reality to their mandates. Their representatives to the whole society, did not need the ability to impose, by having its policy entirely match with the objective laws of social development.
Legitimacy, and have no reason to be an element of power. The governed, as it does not happen in bourgeois democracy, will not have to accept the dictates of a representative of power, as he will be the real manager of his revolution. In short, legitimacy will not be given regarding the ruling, obeying because they consider reasonable, necessary, appeal or any other reason. Its acceptance by otherwise would go into the system in general, being the key driver to meet its goal of erecting a classless society, that is, without exploiters and exploited.
necessary conditions, then, for this form of government does not degenerate into "state capitalism", a term that was unknown to the Stalinist dictatorship, lies in two fundamental elements: 1.-
Education .- We refer not only to scientific and technical instruction exported and distributed in universities, but also a political party that has its foundations in an analysis of economic reality. Preventing the power was to stand up again at the hands of the capitalists, because they have wealth, organization, strength and power. Therefore, we direct all our practice to give back to the working class, knowledge, make it independent from the hands of the Technocrat.
2.-After winning governmental power, the working class as a true expression of popular will, should concentrate all its efforts for the party of the proletariat has the participation of larger number of people affected, directly or indirectly , by the capitalist system in developing the program, which allows reaching the people in a systematic way, the objectives to be achieved by the proletariat revolutionary.
Only in this way, the history of mankind, unlike the bourgeoisie, which tends to perpetuate its current domain. Know the only kind that aims to build a society in which they cease to exist as a class.
Introduction :
The human person is a being a rebel, as the direct reality, including their social and cultural formation. Its economic opportunity, has forced him to live within a class. That is, no group has been following the herd instinct or survival. This is partly because the desire for perpetuation of the bourgeoisie, preventing its dominance in the future necessarily yield place to a more social. With the same inevitability with which the formation of the bourgeoisie as a class up, was decisive in certain period of history when the struggle against feudal relations respond to the needs of historical development. In
objective laws of social development arise the contradictions and class struggle as the scientific-political phenomenon. Dialectical materialism Marxist philosophy is, examine the world as a constant and continuous evolution, for the first time in history (both in nature and society). His unique world view provides the key to the proletariat to secure their release, for in the struggle of opposites has always supported the development of society. The victory of the proletariat will lead to a new form of political power: Democracy, which decomposed into its Greek roots, is the government (dictatorship) of the people (proletariat). Opposed to the marginal state, bureaucratic and elitist, which assumes the authority and exercise of power at the expense of the majority.
Political Power:
While in the bourgeois state, we say that power is the ability to induce another or others to make certain decisions within the political system or political influence of one person over many others, and that its power is not possible without the concurrence of the influence and coercion. In the new form of political power must be considered, with the premise that the new form of state organization in the interests of the proletarian class, which institutionalized expression must be conditioned by:
1.-The proper education of the working class to understand the contradictions that must be met to produce wealth and affluence.
2.-Inclusion in their government, the necessary elements for a social development program, to include others affected by the capitalist system.
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, would then be the ultimate expression of political autonomy and economic independence for the benefit of the majority.
Political Power Source:
In History, there are two axes on which lies the source of power:
The doctrine of divine origin: God 's who elect rulers, investing the necessary powers to conduct human affairs. Doctrine
only compatible with the absolute monarchy, thesis abandoned after the French Revolution of 1789.
The doctrine of popular origin: the result is distorted by the bourgeoisie to maintain their power after the monarchy fall. Thus, power has its roots and foundation in the village. Ie, either under the laws of the State, without distinction of classes. In Peru, the bourgeois principle is enshrined in Article 45 of the constitution of 1993.
Article 45 .- The State's power emanates from the people. Those who exercise do with the limitations and responsibilities that the Constitution and laws set ...
Send reality has been responsible for deleting and stomping. The people do not choose how to organize and under the principles of this organization. The real owner of this power are the party designated by the aristocracy to the Constituent Power. They are not made to compete as a representative of this or that popular sector, but many others are taxes, not only to decide more to choose from. Adding to not show the reality as harsh and limited our freedom, the concepts of Free Elections, Voting and Periodic Competitive Universal.
Conditions to the new Form of Power:
The state no longer need force to adjust reality to their mandates. Their representatives to the whole society, did not need the ability to impose, by having its policy entirely match with the objective laws of social development.
Legitimacy, and have no reason to be an element of power. The governed, as it does not happen in bourgeois democracy, will not have to accept the dictates of a representative of power, as he will be the real manager of his revolution. In short, legitimacy will not be given regarding the ruling, obeying because they consider reasonable, necessary, appeal or any other reason. Its acceptance by otherwise would go into the system in general, being the key driver to meet its goal of erecting a classless society, that is, without exploiters and exploited.
necessary conditions, then, for this form of government does not degenerate into "state capitalism", a term that was unknown to the Stalinist dictatorship, lies in two fundamental elements: 1.-
Education .- We refer not only to scientific and technical instruction exported and distributed in universities, but also a political party that has its foundations in an analysis of economic reality. Preventing the power was to stand up again at the hands of the capitalists, because they have wealth, organization, strength and power. Therefore, we direct all our practice to give back to the working class, knowledge, make it independent from the hands of the Technocrat.
2.-After winning governmental power, the working class as a true expression of popular will, should concentrate all its efforts for the party of the proletariat has the participation of larger number of people affected, directly or indirectly , by the capitalist system in developing the program, which allows reaching the people in a systematic way, the objectives to be achieved by the proletariat revolutionary.
Only in this way, the history of mankind, unlike the bourgeoisie, which tends to perpetuate its current domain. Know the only kind that aims to build a society in which they cease to exist as a class.
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