In the primitive community was not known to the State. At the head of the gens, tribe, or tribal groups, were persons elected by the population and who has said for some authors, these social organs of power, had no special means of coercion independent community or gentile of the tribe. His power was of essentially a "force" moral. Thus, as a fundamental reality, coercion seems to be what gives the status of "political" to a "fact" and we rather its scope and influence on changes in customs, and actions toward the determination of any objective, so it is assumed as essential elements: The "imposition" and "State" to describe this action as "political power."
look Quezada Francisco Rada, explains very clearly that not only the State party's "political power" but also extra-governmental agency or union leaders or union, so those who influence the community and the rulers, making change and modify behaviors and positions in society with regard to the established order, which is considered fundamental in his tenure despite its shortcomings and deficiencies, failing, and feeling afraid, of being involved in a new system to suit the demands of our times for which no precedent.
History is also very clear in stating that the first constitution of the populus Romanus, was the management of public affairs and was composed of a Senate which contained the heads of the 300 gens, as Niebuhr Geschichte in "History of Rome "who in many cases decided while discussing the most important, including new laws, and these had to be consulted on the town, and that the absence of an armed force of its own, had no more than the people armed. Thus, the concepts of "taxation" and "State" are indispensable for the existence of political power. One could argue that these. are able to pressure or influence by pressure groups, however making a demarcation between the concepts "political power" and "power of pressure," we note that in the first term shows the involvement of both the citizen and the ruler but affect the rulers would become "social power", and second only affect rulers, so it is not acceptable to admit the concept of pressure to the extra-political action.
As has been seen in its origin, the "political power" does not arise with the State and struggled in assemblies, with a horizontal relationship which the outlines, then, to be more complex associations in human relations, it was made of the need for a more complex entity that does not vary from its predecessors forms of expression, but in their structural development but with the same functions with the same goal: to ensure an improvement in public administration and development of their protégés. Seeing that as rational beings and effective part in the role of state management, we conclude that the state must return part of town and next to it to fulfill its role was assigned, using as a means of coordinating the "persuasion policy "appropriate concept to define the relationship Village-State.
look Quezada Francisco Rada, explains very clearly that not only the State party's "political power" but also extra-governmental agency or union leaders or union, so those who influence the community and the rulers, making change and modify behaviors and positions in society with regard to the established order, which is considered fundamental in his tenure despite its shortcomings and deficiencies, failing, and feeling afraid, of being involved in a new system to suit the demands of our times for which no precedent.
History is also very clear in stating that the first constitution of the populus Romanus, was the management of public affairs and was composed of a Senate which contained the heads of the 300 gens, as Niebuhr Geschichte in "History of Rome "who in many cases decided while discussing the most important, including new laws, and these had to be consulted on the town, and that the absence of an armed force of its own, had no more than the people armed. Thus, the concepts of "taxation" and "State" are indispensable for the existence of political power. One could argue that these. are able to pressure or influence by pressure groups, however making a demarcation between the concepts "political power" and "power of pressure," we note that in the first term shows the involvement of both the citizen and the ruler but affect the rulers would become "social power", and second only affect rulers, so it is not acceptable to admit the concept of pressure to the extra-political action.
As has been seen in its origin, the "political power" does not arise with the State and struggled in assemblies, with a horizontal relationship which the outlines, then, to be more complex associations in human relations, it was made of the need for a more complex entity that does not vary from its predecessors forms of expression, but in their structural development but with the same functions with the same goal: to ensure an improvement in public administration and development of their protégés. Seeing that as rational beings and effective part in the role of state management, we conclude that the state must return part of town and next to it to fulfill its role was assigned, using as a means of coordinating the "persuasion policy "appropriate concept to define the relationship Village-State.
Chereque Pretel Setting
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